For Immediate Release: February 16, 2014
Contact: Lynn Kenton (808) 499-5503 [email protected]
All Recent Polls Consistently Show Unfavorability for Current Administration Remains High
HONOLULU, HI (February 16, 2014)—Since Senator David Ige for Governor announced his candidacy in August 2013, he has traveled across the state for coffees and events hosted by supporters. An early poll released by Hawaii News Now and the Star Advertiser show his strategy of meeting voters and listening to their concerns is increasing his name recognition, putting him in a position to win the primary election.
The close race, showing very high favorability for Ige, has been achieved without any paid advertising to date by the Ige for Governor campaign.
Regarding the poll, Senator David Ige said, “We are very encouraged by the recent poll results and look forward to continue the dialogue with voters over the next six months. Based on the results from the Star Advertiser/Hawaii News Now poll combined with results from past polls, it is clear that voters in Hawaii are consistently unhappy with the direction of the current leadership in the State.”
The campaign momentum is increasing with today’s very important endorsement from HSTA, and the upcoming Oahu headquarters opening on March 1, 2014. Two former chief executives of the state, Governor George Ariyoshi and Governor Ben Cayetano, will attend to share why they support Senator Ige for governor.
“I’d like to thank all our Ige for Governor early supporters on every island for allowing me into their homes and inviting me to association and business meetings over the past six months,” said Gubernatorial candidate Senator David Ige. “Meeting with individuals from across the state, and listening and discussing various issues validates the need for leaders in the state to begin hearing everyone's positions in order to move Hawaii forward together.”
The Oahu campaign headquarters opening is on March 1 from 11-1pm. Mountain Apple Recording artists Vergel and Paula Jepas with special guests Brother Noland, Nicolas La`a and more will provide entertainment. Everyone is invited. The campaign office is located at 1100 University Ave, Honolulu.
For more information visit and follow the campaign at Facebook and on Twitter @davidige2014.